Project Description
This project is a Python-based .dat to .csv file converter initially developed during my internship tenure at the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE). The objective was to address the challenge of converting .dat files to .csv format efficiently.
Tech Stack Skills
Technologies used in the development of the project.
Screenshot Project
Name: DAT to CSV Converter
Status: Completed
Year: December 2023
Home Page
A user-friendly website, enabling anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to perform the conversion effortlessly. This proactive approach allows for automation and provides accessibility to perform the conversion in a fraction of a second using any device, anytime and anywhere.

Input File
The user can upload the .dat file to be converted. The .dat file has to be in the format given below. The user can also download the sample .dat file from the website.

Output File
The user can download the converted .csv file. The .csv file will be in the format given below. The user can also download the .csv file from the website by uploadin sample .dat into the converter.

Project Board Trello
The Trello Board is integrated into this project section to provide a transparent view of the project's status and progress. If you have any suggestions or features you'd like to see added, please feel free to suggest for Trello board using the button below.
Note: The Trello board is updated occasionally and may not reflect the current status of the project.

Video Project
Contributers Project

Dr. K. Boopathi
Director/Divison Head WRA, NIWE (Mentor)
